Saturday, September 14, 2013

Deploy a NopCommerce MVC Site

TO deploy you need to follow following steps.

 Step 1: Run the Prepare.bat file to build the project in release mode and move the plugins to the correct directory.

 Step 2: Run the Deploy.bat file to perform the same procedure as the Prepare.bat file, but also move all the websites and files to the \Deployable\Nop_{Version} directory.

 Step 3: Select all the files in \Deployable\Nop_{Version} directory and upload them to your web server.

 Step 4: Copy and paste setting.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt to App_Data folder from Presentation's App_Data Folder.

 Step 5: Now copy and paste Deployable\Nop_{Version} folder to WWWRoot foder and Just follow the steps that you used to Configure a normal Site.

 Step 6: Backup the database from your develope system.

 Step 7: Restore the database on server and make changes in setting.txt file as per Database server Setting(Server name,Userid,Password and Database name)

 Now run the site, your nopcommerce Site will be live.

source :

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